Portfolio > Releasing Jacqueline

The “Mother Figure”…..often excluded from the fairy tale story. It is believed that if the mother were alive, the protagonist would not be in the described predicament. For, a mother is born with an innate instinct to do whatever necessary to protect her young.
As long as memory serves, my mother suffered from an undiagnosed mental illness. She was well into her sixties when she had her first psychotic breakdown. Now her illness had a name…..schizophrenia. Understandably, I grew up with an emotionally absent mother. Her own voice, smothered by the demands of the “other” voices growing louder in her head. This experience forms the foundation of my series, Releasing Jacqueline. To navigate this complex and deeply personal story, I have drawn upon Joseph Campbell’s Heroine’s Journey as a guiding framework.
Inspired by a minimalist aesthetic and ideology, my intent is to weave a fictitious narrative rich with metaphors and symbols, inviting the viewer to engage in deep contemplation and interpretation.

Releasing Jacqueline is a journey of healing, forgiveness and self-discovery. Through the challenges and darkness, Jacqueline finds her strength, her voice, and ultimately, her freedom. The narrative invites the audience to reflect on their own journeys, encouraging them to find their own voice and embrace their path to self-love and empowerment.

Let Me Talk
Printed on Vellum 18K Gold Leaf
10" x 10" Framed
So Afraid
Printed on Vellum 18K Gold Leaf
10" x10" Framed
Invent Myself
Printed on Vellum 18K Gold Leaf
10" x 10" Framed
Let Me Talk #2
Printed on Vellum 18K Gold Leaf
10" x 10" Framed
Embrace Life
Printed on Vellum 18K Gold Leaf
10" x 10" Framed
Reinvent Yourself
Printed on Vellum 18K Gold Leaf
10" x 10"
Flying with One Wing
AI Image Generated in Mid Journey
Barcode Beauty
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Pretty in Pink
AI image generated by Mid Journey
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Balancing Act
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Moon Woman
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Losing Air
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Calculated Decision
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Breaking Free
AI image generated in Mid Journey
AI image generated in Mid Journey
She Doesn't Talk, Doesn't Write
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Gaining Wings
AI image generated in Mid Journey
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Gravital Pull
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Blue with Moon
AI image generated in Mid Journey
AI image generated in Mid Journey