Portfolio > Empty Nest

Through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, this project aims to create a series of thought-provoking and emotionally evocative images that explore the theme of the empty nest. As a mother of three children who are now grown up and gaining independence, the bird cage and nest are introduced as universal metaphors to inform my artistic vision. The juxtaposition of the abandoned nest and the flowers that take root from the nest symbolize the beauty that emerges through the unfolding of change.
Through this project, it is my intent to spark conversations about the emotional journey of parenthood and the inevitability of change. The images will provide a visual representation of the shifting dynamics of family life and the complexities of letting go. Ultimately, the project seeks to encourage viewers to reflect on their own experiences with the empty nest, the passage of time and lastly, the duality of loss and rebirth.

Empty Nest 1
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Empty Nest 2
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Empty Nest 3
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Empty Nest 4
AI image generated in Mid Journey
Empty Nest 5
AI image generated in Mid Journey

The AI-generated images for this series were created in Mid Journey. This process was followed by additional manipulation and enhancements in Adobe Photoshop to create a unique and unified final outcome. Implementing my knowledge of AI to create images that blur the line between reality and imagination, reflecting on the complex emotions associated with the empty nest.